Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Morning Bacon Treat!

What could be better on an easter morning than... farm fresh bacon!

Not one, but both of our favorite recipes!

On the left we have a pan of sweet and spicy bacon:  salt, black pepper, crushed red pepper, dry mustard, and honey

On the right we have sweet cinnamon bacon: salt, black pepper, dry mustard, cinnamon, and honey

Both will be "rough pan fried" which is our own lazy technique... drop mix the bacon in the pan with spices (remember to salt it first and let it sit for several minutes before the rest of the spices), toss the bacon to coat evenly, then fry. Stir almost constantly in the beginning (until the pan bottom fills with lard) to cook all the bacon evenly.  Then stir occasionally until browned as desired.

The advantage for us to this technique is.. you dont have to worry about even slices and laying it out evenly. Just stir and as any get "done" take those out.  works like a charm in a pinch!

Happy easter!

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