Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Taking orders for Red Wattle Pork - delivery in feb or march

Believe it or not its already time to reserve your portion of the famous Red Wattle Pork. We will have nine hogs ready for processing in about 30 days, and they go fast, so be sure to reserve yours early.  You can check some detaqils and sample pricing on the link above "On sale Now".

If you ordered pork in the last set and have not received it yet, please bear with us a couple more days. We are a bit new at this and it took a bit longer to get the paperwork stright. Rest assured that your pork is resting frozen in the butcher's cold storatge waiting to be picked up (except for the cured parts). You should be receiving a call from us within a day or two.


  1. We are very interested in some pork...could you tell us what you charge? I also know of some others that would be interested as well and can pass on the details once you let me know. Thank you.

    The Potterf Family

  2. There is a breakdown of pricing on the link above called "on sale now" that should explain the pricing. It is a little less expensive to buy a half or whole, which also works well if you want to share with your friends.
