Friday, February 4, 2011

An Example of the Evils of GMO

Just days after it became known that the government has accepted a policy of supporting genetically modified foods, and not informing the public through labeling, comes another news story that shows the direct effects of GMO crops. This story exemplifies the dangers ahead as the genetically engineered approach becomes the norm.

Monsanto Vs Australian Organic Farmer Steve Marsh

The bottom line here is that GMOs, unlike hybrid plants, can reproduce naturally. The genetic alterations freely spread to neighboring plants whether desired or not. 
Why is this a problem? Well, just as in this news story, the spread of genetic alterations corrupts organic or natural plants. The organic farmer is no longer an organic farmer, because of actions of his neighbors under no control of his.
Then the company behind the genetic alteration throws their vast financial resources behind the non-organic, non-natural farmer to protect him and their future business from lawsuit. There is no way a single individual farmer can stand up to the legal resources of a multi billion dollar corporation like Monsanto.
Next the unthinkable happens. The organic farmer that was hurt by the spread genetic alterations to his land and crops, who is now suffering from significant loss of revenue as a direct result, is sued. Since genetic alteration are patentable, and sold under license, having the genetic alterations on his previously organic farm without a license is a violation of Monsanto's license and patent. So Monsanto can successfully sue the previously organic farmer. It has been done dozens of times successfully.
So, aside from the health problems associated with genetic alterations that we don't understand, and the subsequent use of heavier and heavier dangerous pesticides and herbicides killing the land even further, the other evil behind GMO is that they are viral. Just like the computer virus that would infect your computer, or the real virus that spread disease and death through a population, the genetic alterations spread freely through nature and with the help of legitimate court cases upholding sad but existing law, non-GMO natural plants are removed from the earth.
We remember the campaigns of the past to "save the whales", "save the trees", etc. A new banner call is forming to "save the seeds". This call is the closest to home, touching each and every one of us in one way or another. If you eat food, you have a stake in the protection of our food from corporate interests that would kill the earth itself to make a profit.
What can you do?
  • First learn. Learn all you can about what is going on behind the scenes.
  • Second spread the word. Talk to people you know and meet. Tell them what you learned.
  • Third find a local sustainable farm in your area and commit to supporting them by buying your family's food from them. Helping the local farmer that is "doing it right" empowers them to fight the fight.
  • Fourth stay active politically when necessary. Watch for polls, petitions, and chances to let your congressmen know how you feel.
Will it work? Well, that remains to be seen. One thing is for sure.. if you do nothing, nothing will stand in the way of the damage.

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