Sunday, February 27, 2011

Roundup use linked to Spontaneous Abortion?

Many scientists and farmers have long pointed out that genetic alteration of crops specifically for the ability to use massive amounts of herbicides is a dangerous game with unknown outcomes. Recently the government has decided that this very cycle is safe enough to be completely deregulated and expanded to other crops without reservation. But, now we have a group of scientists with some very disturbing news.

Apparently there is a new pathogen, a fungus-virus like thing that infects the genetically altered croups that are roundup ready. This new pathogen may be linked to a various plant and animal problems. The worst of which is that it seems capable of disturbing both plants and animals in severely negative ways. Read this excerpt of an emergency letter sent to the secretary of the FDA to get a feel for the gravity of the situation:

Implicated in Animal Reproductive Failure

Laboratory tests have confirmed the presence of this organism in a wide variety of livestock that have experienced spontaneous abortions and infertility. Preliminary results from ongoing research have also been able to reproduce abortions in a clinical setting.

The pathogen may explain the escalating frequency of infertility and spontaneous abortions over the past few years in US cattle, dairy, swine, and horse operations. These include recent reports of infertility rates in dairy heifers of over 20%, and spontaneous abortions in cattle as high as 45%.

For example, 450 of 1,000 pregnant heifers fed wheatlege experienced spontaneous abortions. Over the same period, another 1,000 heifers from the same herd that were raised on hay had no abortions. High concentrations of the pathogen were confirmed on the wheatlege, which likely had been under weed management using glyphosate.

What this is saying is that there is a link between high spontaneous abortion rates of mammals and the newly discovered pathogen that seem to only infect roundup ready plants. The scariest part of this new finding is that the pathogen is present in plants, and then in the mammals that eat the plants! We (you and I) are mammals. That seems to mean there is a decent possibility that people are prone to the same problems as other mammals, spontaneous abortion. Can you imagine ... think for a sec... if this pathogen climbs up the food chain to humans who eat the infected animals (it is only 1 step away now) and humans are prone to a 45% chance of spontaneous abortion? That.. is a staggering thought!

There are other worries, both economic and biological. The amazing point in all this is that there is only 1 reason to use roundup in the first place... to avoid proper farming practices! If we simply used proper farming practices of building soil fertility and biolife, roundup would not be necessary and this pathogen would not exist. One might say "but wait.. without roundup farmers cant grow crops!" I counter that with the question.. how did we grow crops before roundup, which is a new invention? What roundup does (and all chemical fertilizers) is to allow crops to grow, although empty of nutrients, in soil that is damaged and barren specifically from use of roundup and chemical fertilizers that kill the biolife in the soil which nature uses to build fertility. If a farmer uses roundup, he guarantees that in the future he will need to use more roundup to gain the same results. This can of course only last for so long. Soon the soil is so barren that it can not grow anything worth eating. Genetic engineering is not about making plants or food better, it is about making plants able to live with an excessive amount of roundup used on them due to increasingly barren soils from the continued use of roundup! The only one who benefits from this cycle is.. you guessed it... the makers of roundup and chemical fertilizers, and who knows.. perhaps some government officials that allow and encourage it.

I encourage you to read through the source of this information and judge for yourself. Did the government make the right choice in saying that genetically engineered crops and the increasing use of chemical herbicides is safe enough to be completely deregulated? If not, call your representatives and let them know you object!

At Little Sprouts we are very glad to have never used genetically altered feed, so our animals are not prone to this new pathogen. I would hate to think that the meat we produce for our children has this pathogen that can cause a 45% spontaneous abortion rate! This could now be the most compelling reasons to buy meat from a small local farmer who does not use any genetically engineered feed sources.

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