Sunday, January 30, 2011

NEWSFLASH: Monsanto wins the Genetically Altered battle, You and I loose.

I just ran across this newsflash and wanted to share. It is very concerning, especially to farmers such as myself who are trying our best to protect the food suply and the ground used to produce it for the next generation. I have not personally doublechecked the validity of this article, but I do trust the source from which I discovered it, and unfortunately it is totally believable.

The Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto: What Now?

Whats the one paragraph summary of this? Well, it says that hte largest supporters of "organic foods" ... the people that gave us mainstream organics... have given up fighting agasint genetically altered foods being included into organic food. They have also given up in pushing for you and I to have a right to know when food contains genetically altered components. They have settled for being paid hush money to go away, stop fighting "progress" and accept hte inevitable. This means that in the near future genetically modified foods will be included into organic foods. Further in the future the presence of non genetically altered crops will disappear just as has almost happened in soybeans already. You and I will hav no option but to purchase and consume genetically alttered foods in the long run. Our children or grandchildren may never know what non genetically altered foods are.

Why does Monsanto want genetically altered food? Simply, more profit for them. Monsanto is altering our common food sources genetically so that the foundational foods inside can withstand Monsanto's herbicide Roundup. This allows factory operations to use roundup in increasing quantities without disturbing the plants becasue te plants are altered to be immune to the herbicide's effects. No testing, nor consideraton is given to the consequences for the soil, the bugs, or the consumers of the food of using more Roundup. Monsanto just wants to clear hte way legally to do the previously unthinkable, and not even have to inform the public. 

Some people think  organic modification is about "feeding the world", well it isnt. It is about more profits for hte companies like Monsanto producing chemicals and attempting to make hte world dependent on thier chemicals. These chemicals never existed until the last hundred years, and were never necessary. It ks the use of chemicals that makes hte use of chemicals necessary. We dont need chemicals to feed the world, in fact, the reliance on chemicals is what makes feeding hte world so difficult and so reliant on oil.

So once again.... profits takes precedence over common sense and morals. Those that defined organic food to most of america have given up so that a few can make more profit. The sad thing is.. we will not pay the price for this, our children and grandchildren will, and those that made the profit will be long gone.

If there ever was a time to find a local organic, humane, natural, heritage farm near you, today is the day. Find one, support them by buying their products, and stand by the ones tha produce food for you and yoru family. These folks (like us) are quickly becoming the last man standing in this battle to preserve foods and nature.


  1. I've seen this story before. Monsanto is a large corporation that, through lawsuits, is quite literally "forcing" farmers to buy their modified seed, whether they use chemicals on their crops or not. They also file legal suits against those who attempt to save some of last crop's seed to use to plant their next crop, regardless whether or not they use Monsanto seeds. Unfortunately, Monsanto is not the only one doing this. Every large corporation that deals with food has the same iron fist. They profit, and both the farmer and the consumer suffer. Farmers should not be required to buy seed every year, modified or not, and consumers should not be forced to buy and eat food tainted with herbicides and pesticides. And don't even get me started on the meat industry. I could complain for a week on one breath there. We who care need to utilize all the powerful social media networks to get the message out. Consumers increasingly demand the choice of certified organic, and farmers demand the choice to be frugal, practical, and environmentally conscious in our farming practices. To quote a move line: I'm mad as Hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore! I grow and raise some of my own food. But what I can't grow, I buy local, I buy organic, and I buy humane. To do anything less is to be a corporate doormat.

  2. Thanks for the comment! There are some groups fighting back, as is seen in this webpage:

    But it looks like the damage is done, the government has sided with GMO and against informing the public through labeling. the evidence of that damage wont be seen for several years, but it is inevitable.
