Saturday, December 31, 2011

Newest goats arrive

At the end of our deliveries last friday in the ashland area, we stopped by to pick up our newest goats.  This time we found a Nubian that had just given birth a week or two before (a christmas baby?)  The little girl goat was so cute we had to take her too.  This lady will be a nice addition to increase our milk production during the winter.

Here is a shot of the newly separated goat pen. If you look closely you can see the new  fence dividing the milkers from the non-milkers, who now live with george.  At the far right you can see the saneen we got a few weeks ago. She is HUGE compared to the Nigerian dwarfs. 
Here is Hunter holding hte new little baby under the heat light. How adorable are those huge ears??
These two little ones are the bunkmates for the new baby nubian. 
Mom and baby in their day stall nibbling on some leaves. 
Here is some footage of the little lady exploring some leaves with mom. 

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