Saturday, May 28, 2011

Work continues on turkey roost - Design #3

I managed to get some more time on the new turkey roost today. The pics below give a better idea of where this one is going.

It's actually a hybrid of a roost and a coop. The area on the left end is a mostly enclosed coop that will be enclosed with chicken wire and has a nearly solid top. It will serve as a place to lock some in if necessary (as in when first moving to the roost) and also provide a nesting spot to lay eggs later.

Along the front (the high side) will be a few roost extending across the entire side, a few feet below the slopped roof. This will provide both more area and a higher roost for those birds that prefer height.

The roofing will be solid tin roof panels. After pricing the alternatives and considering the overall weight, tin seemed the best option. Wood would have been cheaper but the weight would be prohibitive. This thing still has to be dragged behind the tractor, so weight is important.

Front View

Back View

(shows the door opening to the coop)

End view (will attach to tractor on this end)

Notice the different spacing of the boards on the coop and roost sides

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