Monday, April 25, 2011

Heritage turkey eggs and poults for sale

Want to hatch or raise your own heritage turkey? You dont have to order them from a far off nursery - we are offering a limited quantitiy for sale now.

These turkeys are Narangansette Breed, the largest of the heritage breeds and nown for their calm desposition. They breed natrally, make excellent foragers, and can fend for themselves outside. They do fly, but prefer to walk unless startled or chased. For pasturing it is possible to contain them by  putting in woven ire fences of at least 3 feet with no cross beams or hard gates.

These poults and eggs are so far the storngest and healthiest we have seen. They are all raised and hatched on our far, fed mostly with wild foraging. this produces the healthiest and stronges poults we have experienced.

The fertilized eggs are about 95% fertile so far, but of course we cant guaranteed that. It is a more risky proposition to purchase eggs as turkeys cant really be determined for fertility until after a week of inubating. For this reason all egg sales are final.

When we have extras we will be selling the poults for $12 each. fertilized eggs would go for $4 each.

If your intereested please email or call and we will reserve them for you as available.

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