Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why is pork dangerous?

Pork is actually a unique meat. While it is commonly available in every meat market across america, some religions and nations do not even consider it a food. It is popular in america in part because hogs gain weight quickly, quickly and efficiently converting feed into meat. So why is pork a controversial food? I had a bit of a revelation this weekend that might explain why pork is so unique. While it is true that the pig is actually quite close to human in a lot of way.. this is not what I'd like to focus on. In fact it is in one significant difference that the fascinating realization lies.

Humans and almost all mammals sweat. Sweating serves at least 2 purposes, the obvious one to keep cool. There is another important benefit to sweating though, one that explains why pork is a unique meat. Sweating is one of the most efficient ways to rid the body of toxins. As we (humans) sweat, the perspiration contains water, salt, and a host of other chemicals. If the body has been exposed to poisons, the perspiration carries it out of the body in a cleansing mechanism. Sweating is good for humans because of this cleansing effect. 

What in the world does this have to do with pigs and pork? well.. quite simply pigs do not sweat. They do not have sweat glands. To keep cool they use cool water or mud to lie in. So, if pigs dont sweat... they also lack the cleansing benefits of sweating. that means that the toxins they are exposed to stay inside the animal. Therefore, any toxins that the animal is exposed to has a high probability of being held inside the meat and fat when butchered. 

This is SIGNIFICANT! The world we live in is full of toxins from all types of sources. Hogs are no exception. If they cant efficiently rid their bodies of these toxins, then it becomes a dangerous food to consume. Perhaps this is one reason for the dietary laws prohibiting pork in many religions and nations.

The bottom line then seems to be this.. pork is dangerous to eat, unless you KNOW how the animal was raised to ensure that it was never exposed to any chemical or food that might be harmful to humans. This would include commonly used parasite medications, and medicated feed. Both of these are routinely used in most pork production facilities. The pork coming from these facilities then has a higher chance of being contaminated with these substances, making consumption of that pork dangerous.

On the other hand, hogs raised on nothing but organic feed, free from all chemical parasites control and medications, raised on organic pastures and natural feeds have very little chance of being exposed to bad chemicals, and therefore are safe to consume in this respect.

So here again it matters greatly where the meat comes from and how it was raised. Questions that can not be answered to satisfaction from supermarkets selling pork raised anywhere around he country. If you want to protect your family from toxins, it seems mandatory to only buy pork form trusted local farmers, who you know have not exposed the hogs to anything harmful.

Pigs dont sweat, so anything they are exposed to while alive has a higher than normal chance of being on your dinner table. Why take chances with your family's health? Know your farmer, ask questions, keep asking until you are satisfied that the pork is completely free from anything harmful. Your family is worth it. 

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