Thursday, August 5, 2010

One Piglet didnt make it

Very sad news. Last night we checekd on the baby piglets to find one didnt make it. There were no marks on it to signify what happened, so it remains a mystery. The other piglets are doing fine as of this morning.

It is possible that the cool oregon nights were a little too much for this one, if it moved too far from the warmth of its mother. We have not installed a heat light in this shelter yet, since the days are in the 90's still. The nights do get into the 50's, which might be a bit too cool.  I would like to understand how the babies are kept warm in the wild, and work to duplicate that as much as possible. Calls for more research!

There is no way of knowing if the heat or cool is the cause of death. unfortunately this is where more experience in knowing the signs would be helpful.

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