Monday, March 29, 2010

More fencing....

Today is the day to finish hanging the wire on the new crossfence. Hopefully no surprises this time! I'll use the fence stretcher and tractor to get the wire as tight as possible without pulling the end TPosts out of the soft ground. This was an issue with the garden fencing but putting wood posts at the shallow end would be an even bigger issue due to the hardpan again.

So where's that dynamite????

Update: too much rain and wind.. no fencing yet. We'll try again tomorrow.

Update: 3/29/2010
There was finally a break in the rainy cold windy rain and snow so we were able to finish hanging the wire and gate.  I was able to stretch it more thant I expected, but alas.. the end post still started pulling out of the ground. I am attempting to use the metal brackets that make TPosts into corner posts with a brace. We had the same issue in the garden fencing though. Looks like these are not good to use in this soil without more bracing. Nevertheless, I was able to push the end post back into the ground with the tractor bucket and everything seems to be staying put now. Later I'll add another TPost right next to the end post and tie them together for more stability in the long run.

For now, the horses, llama, and last sheep are happily back in their side of the pasture , AWAY from my new fruit trees!

Upon closer inspection, there is some visible damage to the trrees, but hopefully not serious. Some bark missing here and there, several are missing top branches, and some mounds puched with holes. This was another valuable lesson!

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