Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Invitation to come weed the gardens

We are extending an opportunity to anyone that wants to spend a day or just a few hours in the fresh air and sunshine connecting with your earth and your food.  Yes.. its WEEDING time!

We have plenty of sprouts up, and a good amount of tiny weeds.  this is an "on your knees, use your hands" type of job to carefully remove the weed sprouts from among the vegetable sprouts.

If you would like to take part, just contact us through email or phone and let us know when you wish to come. We are open to all hours day or night, weekday or weekend.

here are some examples of the before and after

Purple Cauliflower after weeding

Purple Cauliflower before weeding

Can you see the heirloom turnips?

There they are after weeding!

1 comment:

  1. So glad I did this last week. Gonna work up to a half-day or more so I can see more of the things I've been seeing on this site. Seeing a FAMILY pull together, instead of being driven apart by our culture, is precious! Kindler
