Friday, March 11, 2011

Red Wattle Pork is now available Soy Free!

Good news for the health conscience! Little Sprouts has added one more item to the long list of "what is done right" about our pork.  Let's review:

Humanely raised
Heritage breed
Antibiotic Free
Organically fed and raised
Naturally Bred
Open community living

and now.. drum roll please..... Little Sprouts Red Wattle pork is SOY FREE!

That's right, after a couple of months of searching and investigating, we came up with an acceptable formula for feeding that meets the hog's nutritional requirements while eliminating soy in their feed completely! They are now fed a combination of organic soaked and sprouted grains, organic peas, and an occasional organic corn treat.

Yes, you read that right, we are now not only soy free, but also minimal non-gmo only organic corn!

All of the hogs have lived on this feed for about a month with some interesting results. The hogs have not only done well, but are bigger than expected. We butchered one of the nine in this set and were pleasantly surprised to find a hanging weight of almost 200 pounds! They actually gained more weight than without the soy and corn in the commercial feed! This is really good news for us as the producer because the feed is also cheaper! We are putting on more weight with less feed when we go no soy and little corn.

The other fascinating find is that the hogs no longer want to eat the commercial feed! As a test we kept them on only sprouted grains and peas for a week or two, then offered some of the same commercial pig feed that they were originally raised on. They nibbled at it, but refused to eat it. Instead they finished off all of the sprouted grains offered and then left for the pasture to graze! I'm sure they would eat the commercial feed if hungry enough, but there is an obvious preference for the fresh organic sprouted grains.

We are currently taking orders on this batch of hogs that have been soy free for about 30 days. These 30 days are some of the most important, where they put on the final weight before butchering. If you want to have the absolute healthiest pork  you can buy, call or email to buy yours today!

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