Follow along our adventure as we make the transition from corporate city life to the world of natural farming. Each day brings a new experience and brings us to a deeper understanding about the life and spirit that made America great. At our farm we do our best to give the animals we raise a natural, free, happy, stressfree lifestyle. Our mission is to learn and share how to manage a farming operation that is both profitable and humane.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
The most valuable $50 bill
Just a normal $50 bill? Hardly! This bill may look ordinary, but in fact it is invaluable!
Our family is going through very long, emotional days preparing for this move to Texas. We are passed to the limit of physical and emotional strength. And then, this happens...
A very kind and generous elderly gentleman who has helped out farm previously heard of the moving sale this week. He came by looking, searching for something to buy to help us out. But nothing for his needs. As he was leaving empty handed, he stopped and walked over to Brenda. He have her the$50 bill you see above, as a gift. He do wanted to help out that he just donated it asking nothing in return.
Now, we know that this man is not wealthy, at least not financially. He really can't afford to just give money away. It is a great sacrifice for him to do so. Yet he did out of the generosity of his heart.
Like the poor woman in scripture who gave her last 2 cents, this man sacrificed to help our mission. Jesus comment about the or woman in scripture was that she had given more than all the rest, because she gave all she had. The value is not in the amount, but the sacrifice.
This bill meant a lot to our friend, and so it means a lot to us. We accepted it with tearful eyes... Grateful for such faith in what we are doing. The experience is deeply motivational!
We must succeed, we must change the food system in America, because so many good and generous people are counting on us. And with God's help, we will succeed!
This kind and generous elderly man represent all that is good about mankind and our society. He is a light on our path in a dark hour. Such is the work of Angels.
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Crazy two days... Good news /bad news
As the sun sets, our initial moving sale is done. What an experience! We have several huge rushes of traffic, I mean so many that I ended up being traffic monitor. There must have been 20 cars in our Circle drive playing bumper cars during the rush periods.
The good news is, we sold a lot of stuff! And that's really good because our income for the two days far exceeded our expectation.several of the big items didn't even sell yet! People who we were very generous and supportive.
We want to thank each of you for coming and supporting us.
The bad news is, the activity caused enough delay to cause me to miss my first trip. We started gathering the fencing to take to Texas but , didn't finish today. And loading has not even started. So, there is no way to get out of here on time tomorrow.
But hey, that's the best reason for a delay!
There are plenty of big items left and many small ones, so we will extend the sale through next week. Some things that need to go:
Bcs rototiller
Brower pasture hog feeder
Hog waterers
Heavy duty chicken nesting boxes
Commercial 8 burner 2 oven propane range
Electric water heater
Commercial fridge
2 stainless 3 or 4 compartment sinks
Commercial dishwasher
Expandable kitchen table
Book cases
PTO generator
Metal hog shelters
Chest freezer
Cedar works playset
So much left! Please do come by and browse, or call ahead for details / pricing.
Now rest... Morning off for church, and back at loading!
posted from Bloggeroid
Friday, January 19, 2018
Farm moving sale day is here! Support our mission!
It is here! The long awaited little sprouts moving sale! Come out today after 10am to shop a collection of personal items, furniture, farm supplies big and small, fencing, commercial kitchen items, auto tools, woodworking tools, building supplies, and so much more. Whether you are a farm, an individual, a family, an organization... You will find something here!
You can help support or mission of returning America to small family farms by coming by today or tomorrow. All funds brought in today will be used to fund our new farm in Texas, and ultimately a thousand farms through the future small farm franchise opportunity!
(Donations also accepted!)
posted from Bloggeroid
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Need commercial kitchen equipment?
There are a few items that seen like they will be difficult to sell for it move... Perhaps you know of someone who might need these?
8 burner, double oven, propane wolf range
4 compartment stainless steel sink with commercial faucets
Commercial Italian made dishwasher, intended for glassware
Commercial fridge
These are in our farm kitchen, all perfect working order. We can't really take them due to cost of shipping and lack of storage space in the other end. We won't set up a new kitchen for several months, so it doesn't make sense to take them now. We would much rather sell these and then repurchase when it's time.
Available to see at anytime till we move.
8 burner, double oven, propane wolf range
4 compartment stainless steel sink with commercial faucets
Commercial Italian made dishwasher, intended for glassware
Commercial fridge
These are in our farm kitchen, all perfect working order. We can't really take them due to cost of shipping and lack of storage space in the other end. We won't set up a new kitchen for several months, so it doesn't make sense to take them now. We would much rather sell these and then repurchase when it's time.
Available to see at anytime till we move.
posted from Bloggeroid
Farm moving sale this Friday / Saturday
This weekend is the big little sprouts farm moving sale! Everything that we are not taking is up for sale, at great prices. That's a lot of stuff! We are not taking much.
Feeders, furniture, tools, fixtures, leftover stock, way to much to list.
Come on by the farm this weekend!
posted from Bloggeroid
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Farm implements on consignment
Again.. Bittersweet... Those are 10 years of farm implements going up for sale on consignment. We are keeping the two main ones we need right away... The tiller and the chipper. The rest, are for sale.
If anyone wants a good deal on good equipment, contact rogue valley farm equipment.
Yes there was a tear in these eyes as we drove away today. Silly? Yep. But still...
posted from Bloggeroid
Monday, January 15, 2018
Farm on a trailer
Bittersweet day.
Today we loaded up all our farm implements to take to consignment sale. You can see here:
Driveway scraper
Seed spreader
Posthole digger
Brush hog mower
All we are keeping to take to Texas are the tiller and ripper. All these other tools will he sold and repurchased in Texas.
So much history... Some of these implements were purchased years ago before we even knew what we were doing. It is sad to see them all piled on to a trailer ready to leave. It feels like 10 years of life represented on that trailer. The foundations of a farm.
Bittersweet indeed.

Today we loaded up all our farm implements to take to consignment sale. You can see here:
Driveway scraper
Seed spreader
Posthole digger
Brush hog mower
All we are keeping to take to Texas are the tiller and ripper. All these other tools will he sold and repurchased in Texas.
So much history... Some of these implements were purchased years ago before we even knew what we were doing. It is sad to see them all piled on to a trailer ready to leave. It feels like 10 years of life represented on that trailer. The foundations of a farm.
Bittersweet indeed.
posted from Bloggeroid
Sunday, January 14, 2018
"But Why are you moving to Texas?"
The obvious question we hear daily since the announcement came out that we are moving Little Sprouts Farm to Texas is:
"But why are you moving to Texas?"
That's really two questions in one...
#1: Why are you moving?
#2: Why Texas?
That's becasue FIRST we made the decision to move. THEN we chose the spot for the next chapter of our lives.
The answer to #1: Why Move? can best be summed up in this... to serve more hurting people. No, it is not that we seek a larger market for the farm. Not directly.Our goal is to reproduce Little Sprouts Farm over and over. "serving more people" means launching more farms. We have a model here, that is unique... a reproducible business model and farm model that allows a small farm to be launched and become profitable within 2 to 3 years with low risk. That is absolutely huge! Everyone know that "small farms cant make a profit"... and "all small farms must be supplemented with other income to exist". But is that really true? NO! This model that has been produced here in Southern Oregon disproves that.
The problem we face is, "Where's the proof?" It's currently all theory becasue our farm here in Southern Oregon has been used to Produce the model. In the business world we would call this R&D (research and development). Therefore our financials do not reflect the USE of the model to make a profit. We never stopped investing in "building the model" to just exist and prove that it works. And the bottom line is, THAT makes it tough to convince investors to commit the amount of cash required to take this nationwide. So... we must produce proof. We must implement the model from scratch, just as a new farm would do, to prove that it works.
That obviously can not be done here in our home town... Little Sprouts is much too well known to be a valid test. Potential investors could easily claim that "you already had a name, so of course it worked, that doesn't prove that a new farm can follow and succeed". and they are right.
So, we must move to a new area, start over where no one knows us, build a farm from scratch in a totally new market and thereby prove that this works. That is why we must move.... to serve a million customers through launching of a thousand farms like this all across america serving their own local community.
The answer to #2: Why Texas? is a mix of business and personal reasons. At the top of that list is the fact that I have family in Texas who our 7 children hardly know... sometimes in name only. This is a grand opportunity to connect our children with the side of the family that is mostly just names and pictures. Building a multi generational connection to a family's roots is, in our humble opinion, a necessary part of moving forward. So, since we must move to move forward... why NOT Texas?
There is also the reality that Texas is an easier state to deal with in respect to health and food laws. We can do more in less time there, which accelerates the process of #1 greatly while reducing cost. Yes, there is a political side to this question... applicable food production and safety laws reside mostly at the state and even county level. Some areas are easier to deal with that others, sometimes to a great degree. Right or wrong, it is a fact that there are parts of America where is is very difficult to bring good healthy food to the public due to local food laws. Our goal is not to change any laws, but to tweak the model to fit in whatever laws exist. That is a challenge! But the first step is to get going. And getting going is most practical in a "freedom first" type of governmental environment.
Research has shown Texas to be such a place, especially certain counties.
In addition, certain parts of Texas are suffering from a "good food desert" effect. Organically produced foods, especially variety meats, are few and far between. Beyond organically produced foods... the foods that promote true health through healing... are virtually nonexistent. Most people have little to no choice in truly good local foods. This creates a deeply under-served market. Great place to launch a good food business!
Is this all scary? YOU BETCHA! It is a journey almost beyond our ability to comprehend. Leaving the community that walked through this first chapter with us, the friends, the customers, the people depending on us, the people willing to come out on weekends and pull weeds by our side... that's tough. We cry, we worry, we second think everything.. BUT... at the end of the day we know this is the next step to accomplish the mission that God has laid on our hearts. This is the path before us, we must follow it even when the going gets tough.
Will it work? We hope and Pray so! One truth our family stands on... "God pays for what he orders" and "God empowers the warriors He sends into battle". We are not called to fail at our God given mission. Sometimes, it just takes faith... faith to step our of that boat into the stormy waters.. while fear says NO! Stay in the BOAT! but Jesus beckons us to come to Him. The walk Peter did that day (yes, Peter walked on the water!) was in a stormy ocean of wind and waves, not on a peaceful calm sea. Our walk is often the same. To combat the fear that naturally rises within us, we just keep our eyes fixed on the goal... getting to Jesus where HE is. Only when we concentrate on the wind and the waves and the "reality" that we shouldn't be able to walk on water... only then are we in danger.
Besides.. I believe in the model that has been produced here. I have bet my entire life savings on it working. I am personally convinced that this is the answer to food, health, and the healthcare crisis in America. This is the answer to rebuilding our food supply from the ground up. This is the answer to children living daily in pain and suffering due to various conditions beyond their comprehension. This is the answer to our elderly suffering from side effects of one pharmaceutical after another to hide symptoms. This is the path forward not just for our family.. but for our nation and the next generation.
It must work, so it will work.
Let's do this!
"But why are you moving to Texas?"
That's really two questions in one...
#1: Why are you moving?
#2: Why Texas?
That's becasue FIRST we made the decision to move. THEN we chose the spot for the next chapter of our lives.
The answer to #1: Why Move? can best be summed up in this... to serve more hurting people. No, it is not that we seek a larger market for the farm. Not directly.Our goal is to reproduce Little Sprouts Farm over and over. "serving more people" means launching more farms. We have a model here, that is unique... a reproducible business model and farm model that allows a small farm to be launched and become profitable within 2 to 3 years with low risk. That is absolutely huge! Everyone know that "small farms cant make a profit"... and "all small farms must be supplemented with other income to exist". But is that really true? NO! This model that has been produced here in Southern Oregon disproves that.
The problem we face is, "Where's the proof?" It's currently all theory becasue our farm here in Southern Oregon has been used to Produce the model. In the business world we would call this R&D (research and development). Therefore our financials do not reflect the USE of the model to make a profit. We never stopped investing in "building the model" to just exist and prove that it works. And the bottom line is, THAT makes it tough to convince investors to commit the amount of cash required to take this nationwide. So... we must produce proof. We must implement the model from scratch, just as a new farm would do, to prove that it works.
That obviously can not be done here in our home town... Little Sprouts is much too well known to be a valid test. Potential investors could easily claim that "you already had a name, so of course it worked, that doesn't prove that a new farm can follow and succeed". and they are right.
So, we must move to a new area, start over where no one knows us, build a farm from scratch in a totally new market and thereby prove that this works. That is why we must move.... to serve a million customers through launching of a thousand farms like this all across america serving their own local community.
The answer to #2: Why Texas? is a mix of business and personal reasons. At the top of that list is the fact that I have family in Texas who our 7 children hardly know... sometimes in name only. This is a grand opportunity to connect our children with the side of the family that is mostly just names and pictures. Building a multi generational connection to a family's roots is, in our humble opinion, a necessary part of moving forward. So, since we must move to move forward... why NOT Texas?
There is also the reality that Texas is an easier state to deal with in respect to health and food laws. We can do more in less time there, which accelerates the process of #1 greatly while reducing cost. Yes, there is a political side to this question... applicable food production and safety laws reside mostly at the state and even county level. Some areas are easier to deal with that others, sometimes to a great degree. Right or wrong, it is a fact that there are parts of America where is is very difficult to bring good healthy food to the public due to local food laws. Our goal is not to change any laws, but to tweak the model to fit in whatever laws exist. That is a challenge! But the first step is to get going. And getting going is most practical in a "freedom first" type of governmental environment.
Research has shown Texas to be such a place, especially certain counties.
In addition, certain parts of Texas are suffering from a "good food desert" effect. Organically produced foods, especially variety meats, are few and far between. Beyond organically produced foods... the foods that promote true health through healing... are virtually nonexistent. Most people have little to no choice in truly good local foods. This creates a deeply under-served market. Great place to launch a good food business!
Is this all scary? YOU BETCHA! It is a journey almost beyond our ability to comprehend. Leaving the community that walked through this first chapter with us, the friends, the customers, the people depending on us, the people willing to come out on weekends and pull weeds by our side... that's tough. We cry, we worry, we second think everything.. BUT... at the end of the day we know this is the next step to accomplish the mission that God has laid on our hearts. This is the path before us, we must follow it even when the going gets tough.
Will it work? We hope and Pray so! One truth our family stands on... "God pays for what he orders" and "God empowers the warriors He sends into battle". We are not called to fail at our God given mission. Sometimes, it just takes faith... faith to step our of that boat into the stormy waters.. while fear says NO! Stay in the BOAT! but Jesus beckons us to come to Him. The walk Peter did that day (yes, Peter walked on the water!) was in a stormy ocean of wind and waves, not on a peaceful calm sea. Our walk is often the same. To combat the fear that naturally rises within us, we just keep our eyes fixed on the goal... getting to Jesus where HE is. Only when we concentrate on the wind and the waves and the "reality" that we shouldn't be able to walk on water... only then are we in danger.
Besides.. I believe in the model that has been produced here. I have bet my entire life savings on it working. I am personally convinced that this is the answer to food, health, and the healthcare crisis in America. This is the answer to rebuilding our food supply from the ground up. This is the answer to children living daily in pain and suffering due to various conditions beyond their comprehension. This is the answer to our elderly suffering from side effects of one pharmaceutical after another to hide symptoms. This is the path forward not just for our family.. but for our nation and the next generation.
It must work, so it will work.
Let's do this!
Thursday, January 11, 2018
It Is Time! - Little Sprouts Moves to Rosebud, TX !
It has been a long and difficult 2 months here at the farm. Two months from our decision to shut down the farm in preparation for a move to today. Two months filling with phone calls, paperwork, planning, searching, praying, house repairs, all on top of keeping all the now pregnant animals happy and healthy. Did I say two months? It feels like 2 years!
But, today is the day things change. Just last night we reached a verbal deal on a perfect rental property in the heart of Texas. 20 Acres just outside the little town of Rosebud, Tx. This will become the new home for Little Sprouts Farm for at least the next year.
Rosebud, Tx is a little town Centrally located between three fairly major metropolitan areas: Waco to the north, Temple/Kileen to the West and College Station to the south. This location will allow us to serve a city market area of almost 700,000 people plus all the surrounding areas, all while belonging to a tiny community of less than 1500.
If all goes well, we will be set up at the new property by Feb 1, 2018. Almost exactly 10 years and a month after our move to Oregon. Is it possible to move an entire farm in only 3 weeks? Ask us in February!
You can follow our journey here on the blog. I am committed to documenting this momentous occasion every step of the way. The silence of the last two months was intentional, to allow us to focus on finding our path forward. Now that we have a destination, it is all about execution.
I'll throw this out there... if you feel so inclined, we would welcome any manual labor you can offer to assist in this seemingly impossible task. We already are indebted to a few individuals who stepped forward over the last two months to offer their services on certain things we needed. We can not offer cash compensation for your efforts, but can reimburse in whatever products we have available and credit into the future.
Speaking of the future, Hunter has become quite the expert on shipping. This is great news for you, our loyal customer. Through his skills we will be able to efficiently ship product back here (as well as across America). Yes, at the age of only 15 Hunter has mastered the world of shipping, freight, online retailing, and customer service. And yes, this is the same boy that less than 10 years ago could not complete a sentence and spent much of his day lieing on his back in bed playing with the imaginary illusions his challenged mind created. How far he has come on this journey to find true health!
And that... my friend, is why we do this. Looking back over where we were, how we almost lost 2 of our children to neurological disorders that medical science offered no hope for, how we as adults suffered from a long list of various illnesses we called "aging", how life was such a challenge, looking back gives us the drive to move forward. To bring this message to more and more people, to save one more child from a life of pain and challenge.
We must succeed in this mission, to return health to America's children and elderly by restoring Grandpa's farm... before chemicals and artificial life substitutes took over the food industry. We must succeed because we know first hand the misery of status quo. We have a message of health, food, farming, life... and we must bring that message to the nation. But... one step at a time.
Rosebud, TX here we come!
But, today is the day things change. Just last night we reached a verbal deal on a perfect rental property in the heart of Texas. 20 Acres just outside the little town of Rosebud, Tx. This will become the new home for Little Sprouts Farm for at least the next year.
Rosebud, Tx is a little town Centrally located between three fairly major metropolitan areas: Waco to the north, Temple/Kileen to the West and College Station to the south. This location will allow us to serve a city market area of almost 700,000 people plus all the surrounding areas, all while belonging to a tiny community of less than 1500.
If all goes well, we will be set up at the new property by Feb 1, 2018. Almost exactly 10 years and a month after our move to Oregon. Is it possible to move an entire farm in only 3 weeks? Ask us in February!
You can follow our journey here on the blog. I am committed to documenting this momentous occasion every step of the way. The silence of the last two months was intentional, to allow us to focus on finding our path forward. Now that we have a destination, it is all about execution.
I'll throw this out there... if you feel so inclined, we would welcome any manual labor you can offer to assist in this seemingly impossible task. We already are indebted to a few individuals who stepped forward over the last two months to offer their services on certain things we needed. We can not offer cash compensation for your efforts, but can reimburse in whatever products we have available and credit into the future.
Speaking of the future, Hunter has become quite the expert on shipping. This is great news for you, our loyal customer. Through his skills we will be able to efficiently ship product back here (as well as across America). Yes, at the age of only 15 Hunter has mastered the world of shipping, freight, online retailing, and customer service. And yes, this is the same boy that less than 10 years ago could not complete a sentence and spent much of his day lieing on his back in bed playing with the imaginary illusions his challenged mind created. How far he has come on this journey to find true health!
And that... my friend, is why we do this. Looking back over where we were, how we almost lost 2 of our children to neurological disorders that medical science offered no hope for, how we as adults suffered from a long list of various illnesses we called "aging", how life was such a challenge, looking back gives us the drive to move forward. To bring this message to more and more people, to save one more child from a life of pain and challenge.
We must succeed in this mission, to return health to America's children and elderly by restoring Grandpa's farm... before chemicals and artificial life substitutes took over the food industry. We must succeed because we know first hand the misery of status quo. We have a message of health, food, farming, life... and we must bring that message to the nation. But... one step at a time.
Rosebud, TX here we come!
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