Follow along our adventure as we make the transition from corporate city life to the world of natural farming. Each day brings a new experience and brings us to a deeper understanding about the life and spirit that made America great. At our farm we do our best to give the animals we raise a natural, free, happy, stressfree lifestyle. Our mission is to learn and share how to manage a farming operation that is both profitable and humane.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Thanksgiving turkey harvest 2013
We thank everyone who showed up to help!
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Kaelyn watching the dunking into the scalder |
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She decided to try her hand it dunking a bird! |
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She's doing it! |
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Even her dunking partner Keitley is impressed |
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Todd's son learns about the plucker |
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Here is the table crew... Hannah, Marissa, April, and Keitley |
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The knives cant be sharp enough! Sharpen early, sharpen often! |
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Grandma making the rounds back and forth from the kitchen |
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Hunter moving furniture ! |
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Todd wrestles with a turkey ready for the cones |
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Made it! |
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Todd shows his boy the realities of farm life |
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Daniel working the plucker... why is this man smiling? |
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Keitley and Hanna working at the table |
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April learning to process a turkey, Marissa is an old pro! |
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Turkey week has arrived!
This is the biggest week for little sprouts. Thanksgiving is when we sell the most birds in a single day for all year. Busy busy. Fortunately this year we have plenty of help on the way....
But of course the weather changes dramatically overnight... From unseasonably warm and dry to frigid and wet. The mercury hit below 20 the last two nights. That always makes it fun standing outside in the cold with constantly running water.
So this year I decided to light the scalder the night before so I don't have to deal with frozen hoses while rushing to fill the scaler to get it heating. But.... Alas by the time we got home from deliveries the hoses were already frozen. In my zeal to break up the ice I did a bad thing... Pulled the spigot right out of the ground! Pipit broke under 8 inches of mud, water and ice. Hmmmm
So there I am, in the dark cold of 28 degrees standing ankle deep in need and ice digging down to the pipe, thankful for the shop vac! Took some work and half frozen hands but... Finally cape the pipe.
The scalder is full... Heating up overnight... And with dawn comes preparation. Even an exciting new method and tool we will be trying...
So here we go into a week of intense turkey processing.... Mostly ready... All that is needed is some rest....
Monday, November 18, 2013
It's Here! the biggest news in Little Sprouts History Begins Today!
We are in the process of building a full commercial kitchen, and most importantly asking YOU for help.
All the details are here, on our KICKSTARTER WEBSITE
A little background:
The purpose of the kitchen is to allow us to produce new kinds of foods going forward, that we can not do reasonably today at the scale required.... The kitchen contains a separate fermentation room, as well as full kitchen facilities, to allow for production of cultured foods as well. The building itself is portable, built into a refrigerated container, so if we ever move it can go with us!
In addition to the cultured foods, the kitchen has facilities and space to allow us to produce some convenient healthy traditional foods in a new line we are announcing soon, specifically for people on GAPS and SCD diets type. No longer will you have to spend hours per day in the kitchen to reap the benefits of these healthy foods. We will offer convenience of grocery store packaged foods with actually healthy, GAPS legal contents!
Unfortunately our own life savings were not quite enough to cover the cost of implementing this farm plus adding a kitchen and fermentation room, quite frankly we have invested every dollar we had into this place. So to complete this one last component, and allow us to go the last step to making convenient foods for sale.Please prayerfully consider a contribution to the cause.
Little Sprouts Asks for Help with Funds for Commercial Kitchen
Monday, November 11, 2013
Hunter's Story
Hunter's mission here is to raise awareness that health conditions, even as deep as ASD, can be healed or at least lessened by good nutrition. He truly wants to offer hope to all those that are facing the same challenges.
Here is his story, in his own words.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Milking goats... So much to learn...
Every day is a new experience in learning around here. Recently we have been focusing on a fee specific areas to improve those areas one by one in some way. This post i would like to share about our milking herd of goats.
Milking is tough. Any farm will tell you there is no money in raw milk. The equipment cost, constant cleaning, facilities required, Huge labor needs, supplies, feed, etc.. All add up to milk that is outrageously expensive. It is quite common at farms to cut where ever possible, usually resulting in reduced nutrition quality if the milk through cheap feed or breeds that produce higher quantity with lower fat.
We seek a different approach. As you know from this blog, we seek quality first, nutrition us the goal itself. So what can we do to maintain quality while making some profit to offset the Huge commitment?
We may have stumbled on and things that work.... Here's what we have done so far:
1. Added a third breed, LA Mancha goats. These girls produce similar fat content to mini nubian at slightly higher production. Production is up without lowering quality and flavor by mixing proper ratios of la Mancha, mini nubian, and nigerian dwarf.
2. Changed filtering method. All our milk is filtered, but we were using a gravity method. This is cheap but strips more fat than we liked. So we changed to an inline filter system... Same daily price but faster filtering and more fat (cream) left in the milk.
3. Feed... In addition to organic alfalfa and grass hay, we added our own crop of organically grown oats and peas, mixed with some sunflower seeds. Thus has greatly increased the production over just alfalfa, increased fat (cream), and lowered cost you!
4. Minerals... We add our own blend of sea minerals, essential goat supplements and organic nongmo goat feed. This balances and rounds our the nutrition for health.
So far this plan is working wonders to quality and quantity while keeping costs lower. There is only one problem.... Since the girls aren't hungry on the stand, and we offer plain oats on the stand.... The milking experience is no longer special for them! Behaviour has suffered making milking itself a chore. We need something really special as a treat while milking.... But what is left?
Hunter came up with what may be the perfect answer... Scratch and corn! It is organic, non gmo, and then LOVE corn! We can't free feed corn because of the high carb content throwing off their nutrition but... A fee bites on the Stand to milk with mat be just enough incentive to make milking the highpoint of their day again!
We will try it today and see if this is the missing piece. If it all works out we will be able to increase the herd share while increasing the quality and flavor... And actually make a dollar or two without raising prices.
Stay tuned!
Why do we even need to consider Obamacare?
I believe that to understand an issue fully it is necessary to dig deep.... To ask the question "why" repeatedly and thereby uncover the root cause of things. Here we are embralled in one of the heaviest debates if our nation's history... Health care... How do we bring health care to the millions of Americans who don't have it? Let's dig a little deeper.
Why are we talking about Obamacare?
Two things come to mind :
1. America has the most advanced medicine in the world... Able to work "miracles" of healing.
2. America has millions and millions and millions of people needing miracles of health care to stay alive.
Without both of these points being true, we would not be talking about health care. When you boil these two down you get: "America needs constant miracles of healing through advanced medicine to stay alive" or "America is perhaps the sickest nation on earth".
Consider this... A hundred years ago there weren't these miracles of modern medical science. But life expectancy was not far from today. Now look at you family, friends, neighbors.... How would we fare today without modern doctors, hospitals, treatment, medicines? I propose that current life expectancy would be much lower than even 100 years ago with modern healthcare. So basically we as a nation are much sicker than ever, and rely of modern medicine just to keep up with our grandparents life expectancy!
So... Why? Take away modern treatment and ask what changed... Why does America need so much healthcare?
The answer lies is the one thing we all do daily to stay healthy.... Eat. But our food today is totally different from a hundred years ago. The entire food system is changed fundamentally.
I arrive at a conclusion of:
1. Our world and even food supply is full of toxins largely thanks to modern agriculture.
2. Our food is devoid of life sustaining nutrients thanks to modern agriculture.
3. Our food supply is sterilized to provide long shelf
4. Our food supply is built in laboratories to provide artificially good flavor, texture, and unnatural consistency.
5. Our food is refrigerated to freeze it in time instead of fermented and full of life to preserve it.
6. Our food supply is remote, supporting big corporations that need constant profits, transportation around the world in a fresh state, and maintain consistency and that fresh state for weeks.
So where do we look for the underlying answer to why we are debating Obamacare? Seems to me that we look to agriculture.... Our food. If we return to the foods of a hundred years ago, we remove the need for health care to the point that it is, on average, a minor issue. We trade our cabinet full of Medicine, our schedule of Dr visits and treatments, our constant need for health support in over the counter medicine for true good health and naturally long life.
There is an alternative to Obamacare... It's called health. We can individually opt out of the healthcare system itself through good old fashioned nutrition! It truly is that simple! I know from personal experience and from the experience of dozens to hundreds of our farm customers.
So... I urge you.... Find a local farm that understands this... The offers the foods of a hundred years ago... Raised properly for nutrition instead of profit, and buy all you can from them. Invest in nutrition and permanent healing instead of covering of symptoms through medicine, remove the need for healthcare!
Sure... Real food is expensive... It will cost 2 to 5 times more to buy real healthy food. That is a fact. BUT... Let me ask you.... How are you doing on cheap food? How many pills do you need per day? When wax the last Dr visit for a problem ?
Would you rather pay to treat illness or prevent it?
That is the real bottom line choice here, because for 99 percent of us, there is no other option! Pay a loss l nutrient dense farmer Or pay the Dr and pharmacy.
My advice.... Find your local farm that understands this... Talk to the farmer... If he doesn't know how to grow for nutrition, look elsewhere or gave him call us.. Opt out of the need for frequent health care and opt into true health!
If enough people did this... We would not be talking about Obamacare. Period.
Friday, November 8, 2013
More free pig food!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
To GMO or not to GMO ? that is the question...
The Power of You.. an Individual
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
What is a farmer?
Feed time... Check the menu
Oyster shell
Meal worms
Rare earth minerals
Scratch and peck feeds
Our own Garden produce
Organic Fermented fruit
Organic Alfalfa leaves