The total will hit right at 3000 hits for August. Pretty amazing to us for or little farm in southern Oregon to be this popular. This does not include the traffic on our personal facebook page which is linked. WE have not set up an official facebook farm page yet, so our blog posts show up on our personal facebook and get a fair amount of traffic there.
It is also amazing how many people we meet , even our neighbors, that have seen our blog and facebook ads, but never knew we were right here down the street from them. When we finally hung out our farm sign on the driveway they were able to put it together finally.
I remember the day when getting the word out was a totally different process of producing flyer's or mailers, and doing mass mailing through the post office or businesses. It was a LOT of work to spread information just 20 years ago compared to today. Today it is exceedingly simple and quick. Amazing.
UPDATE: as of the morning of the 30th... the blog hit just over 3000 hits.. sitting at 3006 for august.